A few things about me that you might like to know: (these items are not listed in any particular order!)
i love my children, i love my man, I love God, i have a newfound love for hydrangeas, i love my camera and seeing photos that come from it. I love sappy love songs and singing them loudly...not necessarily well. I love knitting, crocheting, sewing and quilting. I love wearing swishy skirts, dangly earrings and perfume. I love seeing sunlight through the petals of the flowers in my garden. I love farmer's markets and open air antiques shows. I love thrifting. I love twizzlers, swedish fish and orange slices...(the gumdrop candies). I have an amazing coffee cup collection that I feature in almost daily coffee tags with my cell phone. I am almost 40! i love wearing jammy pants all day long...but not out to the store. I love my friends. I love sharpie markers. i love happy snail mail. I love the beach, the ocean and beachcombing. i love laughing so hard I get tears in my eyes. I love blogs. I love keeping one; i love reading them. I love hearing my kids on the other end of the phone line telling me they love me. I love my mom, my dad and my sister, my brother-in-law and my nieces and nephew, my step dad, and my step mom, my aunts, my uncles and my cousins!! I love my cats: Jitter and Jack. I love the way Michael's and Joann's stores smell. I love my bed. I love sleeping!
Speaking of which....i think i am going to call this good and head off to the land of nod right now!
Nighty night!