sharp scissors
bone folder
Fold #1: Fold the sheet of paper so that the top edge lines up with the left edge of the paper. Fold in your crease.
Trim away the excess paper so there is a triangle remaining.
Fold #2: With the folded edge of the triangle at the top, fold the two upper points together. Fold in the crease using the bone folder.
Fold #3: With the single fold under your left hand, line up all three points. Press in the fold with your bone folder.
Fold #4: Fold your triangle so that the single folded edge lines up with the longer edge of the triangle.
Use the bone folder to press in the crease. Your paper should look a little like a torch with a flame on it.
Cut of the "flame" from the "torch."
Try straight cuts and round cuts. Cuts that look like the above image, produce a snowflake that looks like THIS:
Enjoy making a blizzard of snowflakes!
CJR and I just made some paper snowflakes tonight. He had SO much fun doing it. :)
I am so glad you were able to understand these directions! You ought to post some pictures of your creations on your blog!
Hugs to you!
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