Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Yesterday was a rainy day AND a Monday. Amanda was itching to get out and do something...anything! It was her suggestion that we go to the lake. I'd never seen this lake before and I was up for a little adventure.
I think, too often, we get in a rut and don't see the beauty in our everyday surroundings. We put on our blinders and drive to work as quickly as we can because we've pushed the snooze button a couple of times.
I wanted to put dinner into the crock pot before we left and as I was doing that, a thundrestorm rolled in...like clockwork. Amanda and I were determined to have this little adventure...and despite the rain, we loaded up the two little boys into the car and sped off.
Not two minutes into our journey, heavy rain began to fall. We forged ahead. We weren't about to let a few raindrops deter us! Besides, most of the time, the rain only falls for about ten minutes.
When we got the little lake, though, the rain still fell...heavily. We took shelter under the picnic pavillion and had a snack of cheese and crackers and washed it down with Capri Suns. The little boys finished their snacks and started to run around in the rain. They had sooooo much fun chasing each other!
We didn't have to go far to see something new and to have a little fun and make a few new memories. I urge you to get out there and explore your everyday surroundings, too! Take off the blinders and drive a little more slowly. You'll see something that catches your eye. Of this I am certain.

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